PRA Constitution Amendment Notice
Notice of Motion to Amend the Plimmerton Residents’ Association Constitution (Clauses 3.1 & 3.2)
At a meeting on April 24 2017, the executive committee of the Plimmerton Residents’ Association (PRA) agreed to seek AGM approval to a change in PRA’s financial year end from 31 March to 30 June.
This would:
- align PRA with Porirua City Council’s financial year and rationalise planning and budgeting in relation to the Council’s Village Programme; and
- entail a 15-month transitional period from 1 April 2017 to 30 June 2018.
Motion(s) to be proposed at the Plimmerton Residents’ Association (PRA) AGM on Monday 14 May 2018:
(i) That clause 3.2 of the PRA constitution be amended to read: “The financial year of the Association will be from 1 July to 30 June”.
(ii) That clause 3.1 of the PRA constitution be amended to
“The Association shall hold an Annual General Meeting not later than 31 August each year at which paid up financial members will –
(a) approve a financial statement;
(b) review the activities of the Association; and
(c) elect an Executive [Committee] of at least 5 members and not exceeding 12.”