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We have done our best to establish the accuracy of the material on this site and present it here in good faith. PRA will not accept any responsibility should any details prove to be incomplete or incorrect. This is a community website with multiple contributors and we have a review and checking system in place. However as all workers are volunteers we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy and currency. We are happy to be notified at if you see something that needs updating or amending. (We are always looking for people to assist with editing and proofreading so if you have an eagle eye you could volunteer to assist with these tasks.)


As we are sourcing material from many community groups and individuals we reserve the right to edit text to suit style guidelines and space.

Photographs published on this website may be available for sale or otherwise please contact the photographer identified.  Most photographs are credited with the photographer’s name.

Photographers submitting photos for use on this website should note the following:

  • Material should be emailed to
  • Photos should be scanned at the highest possible resolution
  • Your name needs to be given when you email
  • If people are featured in your shots you need to let us know that they have given approval for their image to be published on the website (you should get written permission when you take the shots)
  • We will list your contact details so that interested people can deal with you directly if they want to buy your images


© Copyright Plimmerton Residents Association and 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Plimmerton Residents Association is strictly prohibited. Written excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Plimmerton Residents Association. Photographs are owned by the original photographers and are subject to Copyright and may not be reproduced.