Become a member of the Plimmerton Residents’ Association (PRA)
How to join
All residents are welcome to join the association. Please complete the membership form below and email it to us.
Payment by direct credit to Westpac account number 03-1533-0019155-00, noting your name and address in the reference fields. Please send the completed membership form to
Your $20 membership will be used to support the work being done in our community – things like keeping you informed and involved through the newslettter and website, to projects like reviving civil defence systems in Plimmerton and tackling some of the issues identified in the community survey.
Also welcome will be any additional sum members feel comfortable contributing to supplement funding of community projects managed by PRA. Official receipts will be issued after 31 March enabling a tax credit to be claimed for such donations $10 or over. (These voluntary contributions have become significant in recent years.)
To receive the regular PRA newsletter, you will need to self-subscribe using the sign-up form here.
Renew your membership
To renew your membership, send an email to with your current contact details. If your contact info has not changed please pay by:
- internet banking direct credit to PRA’s Westpac account no. 03-1533-0019155-00, indicating your name and address or phone number in the reference fields