Our monthly community newsletter is now an E-newsletter! It is published each month with news of what is happening here over the next few weeks plus links to important news and information and items of interest.
The newsletter goes to hundreds of people on our email mailing list so it’s a great vehicle for encouraging community participation and to share information. Contributions are invited by email and should be sent to plimmertonra@gmail.com by the third week of each month. Ideally, send us a photo too.
Anual printed newsletter
Once a year we deliver a printed newsletter that reminds residents what is planned for the coming year and invites them to support those projects by paying their annual $20 per household subs and getting involved in a hands-on way with everything from stream clearing and tag removal to offering professional support.
All residents are welcome to be part of the PRA’s programme and opportunities are offered in every newsletter.
PRA monthly newsletters to view and download
2023 PRA newsletters
2020 PRA newsletters
To view our lockdown newsletters, go here