The Plimmerton Residents Association has a great team working in this area and there is a huge amount of helpful information on this website about planning for emergencies and what you should have stored in your home.

In an emergency it will be important to have prepared your home supplies, a plan for your household and set up a Neighbourhood Group see link.

Most of the information comes from the Wellington Regional Management Office (WREMO) adapted for this area.


WREMO is the central organisation that controls emergency response during an emergency event. They work throughout the region providing advice to communities on preparation and readiness in households and neighbourhoods as well as regular training for volunteers who would be needed to set up and run Community Emergency Hubs throughout the  region.

Porirua has a well-equipped Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) is also the base for the Porirua Emergency Response Team (PERT). Any emergency in the Porirua area is controlled from Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC)

The Porirua Emergency response team works under the direction of Porirua Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) carrying out reconnaissance and reporting on the situation in the field by radio. PERT is also trained in Search and Rescue, First Aid and has number of other skills and equipment.


If the event is serious enough a National State of Emergency may be declared or the Mayor may declare a local State of Emergency. Declaring a state of emergency is a critical part of New Zealand’s response arrangements. It is the declaration of a state of emergency that provides Controllers and others with extra-ordinary powers designed to deliver an effective and swift response.

In the event of a large emergency Plimmerton’s Community Emergency Hub would be set up at Plimmerton School at the request of PEOC and staffed by volunteers trained by WREMO. It would include radio communications with PEOC.

Plimmerton Residents’ Association has purchased some walkie-talkie radios which we are permitted to use on  several Emergency Operations frequencies. These give coverage to Plimmerton, Mana and Camborne and would be used for local reconnaissance and reporting back to the Community Hub for relay to PEOC where help would be directed as needed.

The Hub would be the gathering place for people seeking or offering help as well as a place for reporting incidents and local dangers such as slips or broken sewers. It would not be a Welfare Centre unless specifically requested by PEOC.


This is at Plimmerton School – 11 School Rd, Plimmerton

Other hubs in the Porirua area are at

  • Pukerua Bay School – 89 Rawhiti Rd, Pukerua Bay
  • Pauatahanui School – Pauatahanui
  • Discovery School – Pullen Lane, Whitby
  • Papakowhai School – Spey Place, Papakowhai
  • Tairangi School – Omapere St, Waitangirua
  • Porirua City Council Depot – Prosser St
  • Battle Hill Farm Forest Park, Paekakariki Hill Rd
  • Titahi Bay Fire Station – Titahi Bay

For more information check WREMO here

© Copyright Plimmerton Residents Association and 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Plimmerton Residents Association is strictly prohibited. Written excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Plimmerton Residents Association. Photographs are owned by the original photographers and are subject to Copyright and may not be reproduced.