Emergency preparedness

PRA is working with all emergency frontline organisations to encourage residents to be prepared for the next big event. Residents are regularly given information and advice from our professional contacts through newsletters and Facebook posts.

Plimmerton has endured devastating floods and slips in recent years plus damage from the Kaikoura earthquake. PCC’s emergency HQ (run by WREMO, Wellington Regional Emergency Management Organisation) are the leaders in emergency situations, involving all first responder groups.

Plimmerton has an emergency hub which is reviewed regularly and has purchased radios and held training exercises for residents in the use of the radios in real emergency situations.

© Copyright Plimmerton Residents Association and Plimmerton.nz 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from Plimmerton Residents Association is strictly prohibited. Written excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Plimmerton Residents Association. Photographs are owned by the original photographers and are subject to Copyright and may not be reproduced.